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Knight Online Cypher Ring Guide

Buying and Selling Character (CHAR) in Knight Online with Cypher Ring

What is Cypher Ring?

Cypher Ring is an item that we use to transform our character with Character Seal Scroll. It is sold on Knight Online Power Up (PUS) store and it costs 2800 Knight Cash.


Why to use Cypher Ring in Character (CHAR) buying and selling?

Previously, character sales were made with information such as email address and password, but malicious sellers were reporting that their characters were stolen with an Esn code and causing problems for the buyer. With Cypher Ring, character sales have become safer and protect buyers from such losses. Cypher Ring is currently the safest method for Knight Online character sales or purchases. When we transfer our character in Cypher Ring to a different account, we can use it in that account.

What to know before buying a Knight Online character with Cypher Ring

There should be an empty slot in the account which we transfer the Cypher Ring to.

Cypher Ring cannot be transferred to different servers.

It cannot be sent via Letter and cannot be deleted.


How can I transfer Knight Online character (CHAR) in Cypher Ring to my account?

Log into the game and go to the Inn Hostess to open Knight Online Cypher Ring.

Right-click on the Inn Hostess and select the Character Seal/Cancel option.

Click the Unseal button on the opened page. (Seal = to sell, Unseal = sale completed)

Drag the Cypher Ring to the opened page, click OK and Confirm in order.

You will see the character currently available and the empty slots on the screen.

Select the empty slot and click the Unseal button, and you have successfully added the character in the Ring to the empty slot.


How to Unseal Knight Online Cypher Ring

Go to any Inn Hostess (Bank) to unseal the Cypher Ring. We right-click on the Inn Hostess.

Click Character Seal / Cancel option on Inn Hostess menu.

Choose Unseal on Character Seal and Unseal screen.

We put the Cypher Ring in the box in the menu, click OK and then click Confirm.

In the Unseal Character menu, we see our available character and empty slots. When we select an empty slot and click Unseal, our character in the Cypher Ring will be added to the empty slot as a sub-character. Your Cypher Ring unseal process is successfully completed.


Comments (7)

Teşekkürler güvenilir ve hızlı bir alışverişti


Ringimi alıp kırdırdıktan sonra herhangi bir sorun olup olmadığını sormak için arayıp bilgi aldılar, gerçekten çok ilgililer. Çok teşekkür ederim!


Güvenilir kaliteli hizmet, alanında üstüne tanımıyorum.


günün her saati güvenli teslimat sunması güzel bir hizmet ve komisyonuda çok uygun


Hızlı teslimat, yılların güvenilir sitesi. Çok memnun kaldım.


ring tam olarak açıklamalardaki gibi geldi. Satın alma süreci oldukça kolay ve hızlıydı. Ayrıca müşteri hizmetleri de oldukça ilgili ve yardımsever


Knight Online Cypher Ring aldım, fiyatlar uygun ve teslimat çok hızlıydı. Siteye güvenerek alışveriş yapabilirsiniz, ben memnun kaldım

Knight Online Cypher Ring FAQ

What is a Cypher Ring? How Much is Character Seal Scroll?

A Cypher Ring is the item through which we transform our character. It is sold in the Knight Online Power Up (Pus) store and is valued at 2800 Knight Cash.

How to Use Character Seal Scroll?

Let's explain how to use Character Seal Scroll step by step.

  1. Place the CSS paper, which we purchased through Pus, on the side character of the account where we will create the ring.
  2. Right-click on the bank and select Character Seal.
  3. Click on Seal from the options that appear.
  4. Your side character will appear in the opened window.
  5. Select the character you want to create the ring for.
  6. Enter your item locking password, and your character will be transformed into a cypher ring.
  7. Your characters in ring form are now ready for sale; you can now post your ads to sell them.
What Should You Pay Attention to When Using Character Seal Scroll in Knight Online?

Important Information Regarding CSS

  1. You should not have any items on your character to be able to seal it.
  2. You can have noah (money) on your character.
  3. CSS cannot be sent via Letter.
  4. Uncompleted quests will also be carried along with the character.
  5. National points on the character will be preserved.
  6. You do not need to remove the character from the clan before using CSS.
  7. If you have no available slots for character creation, you cannot perform the unseal operation.
  8. Unseal operation can only be performed for characters of your own race.
  9. When you perform the unseal operation, you will have space to create a new character or carry a new character.
  10. It is not possible to delete a sealed character.
  11. To view the characteristics of a sealed character, simply right-click on the Cypher Ring.
  12. You do not need premium for this operation; you need to use your security key.
  13. Having a VIP Key does not cause any issues during the Seal process.

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