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Knight Online Premium Guide

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Comments (40)


mükkkkkkkkkkkkkkk bilgilendiriciiiiiiiii


Good. Harika hızlı işlemler. Fazlasıyla tatmin edici.


hızlı başarılı




boşuna diğer sitelerde yüzde 10 komisyonlar vb çileler çekmişiz. 10 numara kopazar burda :)


en hızlı ve güvenlisi


Hızlı ve güvenli alışveriş deneyimi için teşekkürler.




Hızlı ve güvenilir.




çok iyi hızlı güvenilir.




hızlıca teslim



çok iyi


Ellerinize sağlık.İşlemler gayet güzel hızlı


epin kodum hemen geldi harika (bot değilim)

dc premium aldım sitenizden ama nasıl teslim alıcam ?


Arkadaşlar kesinlikle güvenilir ve çok ilgili bir site hiçbir korkunuz olmasın teşekürler kopazar


Kodu Giriyorum Fakat Hesaba Düşmüyor Npoitler


12-13 yılı aşkın bir süredir kopazardayım en ufak bir aksaklık yaşatmadılar.Teşekkürler kurucular teşekkürler çalışanlar,iyiki varsınız....

şüphesiz her türlü iş yapılabilir hızlı ve güvenilir


Güvenli alışveriş için teşekkürler KooPazar :)


Yıllardır Vazgeçilmez Tek Güvenilir Site Benim İçin İyi Varsınız... KoPAZAR


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Gayet hızlı ve güvenilir.




hızlı güvenilir .sorunsuz kullanabilirsiniz








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Knight Online Premium FAQ

Redeeming Knight Online Premium

To charge/redeem Knight Online Premium, you need to visit the official NTTGame website,

  1. Log in to the website.
  2. Click on the "NPOINTS" section at the top.
  3. Then click on the ESN section.
  4. In the NPoints loading section, enter your Premium code into the NTT ESN code area and follow the steps.

Premiums like Disc Premium that have been converted to fragments can be activated by clicking on the "Premium item use" area of [Vendor] Kayra NPC in Moradon.

Knight Online Premium Features

NTTGame offers various player benefits through different premium packages. Knight Online Premium consists of six different packages. Each package includes its own features, and players choose their Knight Online Premium selections based on their needs. These packages are as follows:


  1. Knight Online Bronze Premium
  2. Knight Online Gold Premium
  3. Knight Online Platinum Premium
  4. Knight Online War Premium
  5. Knight Online Trina Premium
  6. Knight Online Disc Premium


With the suitable premium, you can join the in-game competition and elevate your character to higher levels! You can order from our website 24/7 at advantageous prices and shop securely.

Knight Online Premium Prices

You can track Premium Prices in the relevant section on our website under the Knight Online Premium tab. Purchasing Knight Online Premium has become very convenient! We offer Premiums at the most reasonable prices. Current Knight Premium prices and 24/7 instant delivery guarantee are available on Kopazar!

How Much is Bronze Premium?

You can securely purchase Bronze Premium both with cash and ESN codes from our website. Instant delivery 24/7 is provided by Kopazar.

You can buy Bronze Premium for 716 Cash from the Power Up Store.

To purchase Bronze Premium, you first need to load cash into your account. You can shop with the most affordable cash prices on Kopazar.

Knight Online Gold Premium Features

Each Premium package comes with different features. You can select the package that suits your character and purchase it from our website at affordable prices.

Knight Gold Premium Features are as follows:

  1. Provides priority entry to the game. Entry is granted in a specific order when the servers reach full capacity.
  2. Includes a 800 Bonus Npoint gift.
  3. Includes a Trinas Piece gift.
  4. Provides a 30% experience point increase.
  5. Increases item drop rate.
  6. You lose fewer experience points than usual upon death.
  7. Increases NPC selling prices of items.
  8. Provides a Noah increase at all levels.
  9. Provides an additional 5 NP during PK.
  10. Once you purchase the premium package, it's immediately added to your account and the selected features become active.

Note: It cannot be purchased with Bonus Npoints.

How Much Cash is Gold Premium?

To purchase Knight Online Gold Premium with cash, you need to visit the Power Up Store.


You can get Gold Premium for 1996 Cash from the Power Up Store.


Additionally, you can purchase Gold Premium with an ESN code without cash. We offer the most suitable premium prices for you.

Knight Online Platinum Premium Features

Platinum Premium encompasses the highest level of privileges that you can acquire with an ESN code.

Knight Online Platinum Features:

  1. Provides priority entry to the game. Entry is granted in a specific order when the servers reach full capacity.
  2. Provides a 400% experience point increase for levels 1-50 and a 100% increase for levels 51-83.
  3. Provides a 100% Noah increase at all levels.
  4. Includes a 800 Bonus Npoint gift.
  5. Includes a Trinas Piece gift.
  6. Increases item drop rate.
  7. Provides an additional 5 NP during PK.
  8. Once you purchase the premium package, it's immediately added to your account and the selected features become active.

Note: It cannot be purchased with Bonus Npoints.

War Premium Features

Knight Online War Premium features are as follows:

  1. Provides priority entry to the game. Entry is granted in a specific order when the servers reach full capacity.
  2. Provides a 100% experience point increase for levels 1-83.
  3. Increases item drop rate.
  4. You lose 2.5% of experience points upon death.
  5. Increases NPC selling prices of items.
  6. Reduces item repair cost by 50%.
  7. Provides a 30% Noah increase at all levels.
  8. Provides an additional 15 NP during PK.
  9. You can further increase NP gained using War Flash.
  10. Includes a 1-month Golden Fishing Pole gift.
  11. Free skill and stat point resets are available.
  12. Visit Npc[sirin] to obtain daily Ancient Text and Chaos Map Coupons.
  13. The premium package arrives in your in-game mailbox and needs to be activated within the game.

Note: It cannot be purchased with Bonus Npoints.

War Premium is sold in the in-game Power Up Store.

How Much Cash is War Premium?

War Premium is sold on the Power Up Store. To find out how much cash is War Pre, you need to visit the Power Up Store.

You can purchase War Premium for 2599 Cash and charge it into your account.

How Much is Knight Online Platinum Premium?

To purchase Knight Online Platinum Premium with cash, you need to visit the Power Up Store. You can add Platinum Premium to your account with the required amount of cash.


You can get Platinum Premium for 2796 Cash from the Power Up Store.


Additionally, you can purchase Platinum Premium with an ESN code without cash. We offer the most suitable premium prices for you.

Disc Premium Features

To own Disc Premium, you need to visit the Power Up Store. You can purchase Disc DC Premium for Cash.


Disc Premium Features:

  1. Provides priority entry to the game. Entry is granted in a specific order when the servers reach full capacity.
  2. Provides a 30% increase in experience points for levels 1-83.
  3. Increases item drop rate.
  4. You lose 2.5% of experience points upon death.
  5. Increases NPC selling prices of items.
  6. Reduces item repair cost by 50%.
  7. Provides a 100% increase in Noah at all levels.
  8. Provides an additional 12 NP during PK.
  9. Includes a 1-month Golden Mattock Voucher gift.
  10. Increases item drop rate using DC Flash.
  11. Allows the purchase of necessities like HP and MP potions from the DC Store in the game at reasonable prices.
  12. Includes 30 Magic Hammer gifts.
  13. Includes Trinas Piece gift.
  14. The premium package arrives in your in-game mailbox and needs to be activated within the game.

Note: It cannot be purchased with Bonus Npoints.

How Much Cash is Disc Premium?

To own Disc Premium, you need a sufficient amount of Cash. You can load Disc Premium onto your account by visiting the Power Up Store.

Disc Premium is sold for 2159 Cash in the in-game store.

Exp Premium Features:

  1. Provides priority entry to the game. Entry is granted in a specific order when the servers reach full capacity.
  2. Provides experience point increases of +400% for levels 1-50, +300% for levels 51-60, +200% for levels 61-70, and +120% for levels 71-83.
  3. Increases experience points obtained from Exp flash, but cannot be used at level 80.
  4. Increases item drop rate.
  5. You lose 1% of experience points upon death.
  6. Increases the selling price of items sold by NPCs.
  7. Reduces item repair cost by 50%.
  8. Provides a 100% increase in Noah at all levels.
  9. Provides an additional 12 NP during PK.
  10. Includes a Golden Fishing Pole gift.
  11. Includes 10 Magic Hammer gifts.
  12. Includes a Trina gift.
  13. The premium package arrives in your in-game mailbox and needs to be activated within the game.

Note: It cannot be purchased with Bonus Npoints.

How Much Cash is Exp Premium?

You can purchase Exp Premium from the Power Up Store. You can load Exp onto your account with the required amount of Cash.

Knight Online Exp Premium is sold for 2796 Cash in the Power Up Store.

Knight Online Switch Premium Features

  1. It is a premium with DC, EXP, and WAR premium features.
  2. You can switch between premiums as needed and use the premium you want.
  3. The premium package is for 30 days and can be extended up to 90 days.
  4. The item gifts of the included premiums are not within the package scope, meaning they will not be provided.
  5. The premium package arrives in your in-game mailbox and needs to be activated within the game.

How Much Cash is Switch Premium?

To buy Switch Premium, you need to visit the in-game store. Switch Premium is sold for 3596 Cash in the Power Up Store.

Steamko Premium

To get Knight Online Steamko Premium, you need to make purchases through Steam. Steam Balance is required for these transactions.

To buy Steam Balance with affordable prices and 24/7 delivery assurance, use Kopazar!

Steamko Premium Prices

To learn about Steamko Premium prices, you need to access the game via Steam and visit the in-game store. After selecting the Premium option that suits you, when you click on the "Purchase" option, you can find out the current Steam price on the new page.

Trina Features

Knight Online items are quite valuable to you. So, when upgrading your items, you might not want to take risks. In this regard, the Power Up Store item you need is Trina.

Trina increases the likelihood of success when upgrading weapons and armor in the game.

How Much Cash is Trina?

Trina is sold in the in-game store for 800 Cash.

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Sözleşmelerimizi Güncelledik!

Size daha iyi hizmet verebilmek adına tüm sözleşmelerimizi güncelledik. Üyeliğinize devam etmek için lütfen aşağıdaki sözleşmeleri onaylayın.

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Sözleşmelerimizi Güncelledik!

Size daha iyi hizmet verebilmek adına tüm sözleşmelerimizi güncelledik. Üyeliğinize devam etmek için lütfen aşağıdaki sözleşmeleri onaylayın.

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