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metin2 yang

What Is Metin2 YANG?

Yang is a term frequently heard by users who play Metin2. In its simplest definition, we can say that Yang is the currency of the Metin2 game. It is necessary for in-game trading. Besides player-to-player trading, Yang is used as payment for any item or service obtained from NPCs. To put it in real-life terms, just like all countries have their currencies (such as TL, dollars, euros), the in-game currency of Metin2 is Yang. In short, Metin2 Yang is one of the most fundamental and essential things for the Metin2 game.

So, Where Can We Find These Yang?

Yang can be obtained from almost all monsters or creatures you defeat in the game. In addition to this, one of the most significant ways to earn Yang is through in-game trading. You can earn Yang by trading items, weapons, and more obtained from monsters with NPCs or other players.

What Is Metin2 Won?

When the topic of Yang comes up, we can say that WON is one of the terms most frequently heard by Metin2 players. So, what is this term "Won" that we constantly hear about? WON is a term within the game that represents the amount of Yang. If you have 100 million (100,000,000) in-game currency, you have 1 WON. In other words, "100M (100,000,000) Yang = 1 WON," which means 100 million Yang equals 1 Won.

Is WON Only Used to Indicate the Amount?

No, WON is also the name of an item in the game. This item appears in your inventory as a yellow coin icon and has a value of 100M Yang. You can use these WONs for your transactions. When you want to sell an item through trading, you can sell it for either Yang or WON. The number of WONs in your inventory increases as they are added on top of each other, and you can store up to 999 WONs in one slot. So, if you have 4 WONs on you and you sell an item for 100 WONs, the amount will automatically be added on top of what's in your inventory. After completing the sale, when you hover over your WONs in your inventory, you will see that it has turned into 104.

How Can I Convert YANG to WON?

If you're wondering how to get Yang in Metin2, the answer is simple: First, go to the warehouse in the game, click on it. Select "Currency Exchange" from the options that appear, and finally, continue with the "Convert Yang to Won" option. In the window that opens, when you give 100M (100,000,000) Yang, you receive 1 WON in return. However, let's mention right away; for this process, the warehouse keeper takes a commission of 3M (3,000,000) Yang and puts it in his pocket. So, when you give a total of 103,000,000 (100M + 3M) Yang, you receive 1 WON in your inventory. This way, you can easily convert the Metin2 Yang you've acquired into Won.

How Can I Convert WON to YANG?

You follow the same steps as the Yang to Won conversion process mentioned in the previous heading. However, this time, in step 3, you select the "Convert Won to Yang" option. When you give your WON, your Yang will be added to your inventory. Additionally, this time, the warehouse keeper doesn't take any commission; he converts our WON for free.

How to Purchase Metin2 YANG?

Earning money in the game, or in the game's language, "farming Yang," is a time-consuming and laborious process. If you don't have the time and patience to farm Yang, you can easily buy Yang from Kopazar. By doing so, you can save yourself from a great deal of effort. You can request assistance from Kopazar's live support, which has 15 years of experience, for your Metin2 won purchase process.

Can I Buy Metin2 Won?

You can buy Won from Kopazar. Even if you can't directly purchase Won, you can convert the Yang you've acquired into Won and obtain Won in this way. Therefore, you can easily handle the process of buying Metin2 Yang through Kopazar's reliable trading.

Metin2 YANG Prices

Metin2 Yang prices and Metin2 Won prices are as seen on our website as mentioned above. If there is any price change, the Yang prices on our website will be updated accordingly. You can choose the most suitable option for yourself and complete your Yang/Won purchase process. As Kopazar, we aim to offer competitive prices for Metin2 won and provide the best Yang prices for you. Thus, we aim to become an indispensable platform for players.

Metin2 Yang Guide

How to Buy Metin2 Yang?

Purchasing Metin2 Yang from Kopazar is very easy! You can buy your Yang in a short amount of time and start using it in Metin2.

1. First, if you are not a member of, you need to sign up and log in to your account.

2. Then, depending on the amount of Yang you want to purchase, load your balance on Kopazar accordingly.

3. After loading your balance on Kopazar, specify the quantity of Metin2 Yang you wish to buy, place your order, and follow the site's instructions.


Once you have completed the instructions and received your Yang, the process is complete. Thank you for choosing us for your Metin2 Yang/Won purchase

Comments (6)


Metin2 Yang alımında Kopazar’ı denedim, fiyatlar uygun ve teslimat gerçekten hızlıydı. Güvenli alışveriş yapmak isteyenlere tavsiye ederim.


gayet hızlılar


çok hızlı güvenli teslimat gerçekten beklemiyodum :D


Gercekten butun islemlerde 1 numara bir site destek kalitesi bile cok iyi cok memnun kaldim


I give you 5 star


Great work

Metin2 Yang FAQ

How Do I Receive My METIN 2 YANG Order?

After placing your Metin2 Yang order, when you are ready at the specified delivery location, we will deliver the amount of Yang you ordered to you as WON through Trade in a short period. If you have any questions about Metin2 Yang delivery, you can contact us via live support

Do You Buy Metin2 Yang?

On our website, we only offer Metin2 Yang sales. Unfortunately, we do not buy Metin2 Yang.

How Is Metin2 Yang Delivered?

After placing an order on our website, your order will be delivered in Won currency by our employees. Your items will be delivered to you quickly in the game at the Blue Flag CH1 Seller Front. Deliveries are made through "Trade."

How Many Yang is 1 Metin2 Won?

Metin2 deliveries are made in Won currency. Orders are calculated in 1 Won increments. In the game, 1 Won equals 100 million Yang. So, when you purchase 1 Won, you become the owner of 100,000,000 Yang. 1 Won equals 100,000,000 Yang.

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