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This agreement contains the necessary rules for you to benefit from the services on our site.


  1. Parties This Kopazar User Agreement, consisting of this agreement and the documents and annexes referred to in the agreement and forming an integral part of the agreement, particularly Annex-1 Privacy Policy, will hereinafter be referred to as the 'User Agreement'. It has been arranged between Kopazar and the User who is a member of the Site, for the purpose of the User becoming a member of the Site, and at the moment of approval by the User in the electronic environment where the relevant Site is located. By becoming a member of the Site, the User acknowledges, declares, and undertakes that they have read the entire User Agreement, understood its contents, and approved all its provisions. 

  2. Definitions User: A real or legal person who is a member of the Site and benefits from the Services offered on the Site under the conditions specified in this agreement. Site: The website consisting of the domain name and subdomains connected to this domain name. Products put forth within the Site by Kopazar Services.

  3. Subject and Scope of the Agreement The subject of the User Agreement is to determine the terms of the Services offered on the Site, the conditions for benefiting from these Services, and the rights and obligations of the parties. The scope of the User Agreement includes this agreement and its annexes, as well as all warnings, articles, and explanations regarding use, membership, and Services made by Kopazar within the Site. By accepting the provisions of the User Agreement, the User also accepts all declarations made by Kopazar regarding use, membership, and Services within the Site. The User undertakes to act in accordance with all matters specified in these declarations.

  4. Terms of Membership and Use of Services a. Membership is completed by sending the necessary identification information to become a member of the Site through the relevant section of the Site and having the registration approved by Kopazar. Until the membership process is completed, one cannot have the rights and powers of being a User as defined in this agreement. To become a member of the Site, one must be of legal age and not be temporarily suspended or permanently banned from membership by Kopazar under Article 5.2 of this agreement. The completion of the registration process by individuals who are not of legal age or who are temporarily suspended or permanently banned from membership by Kopazar under Article 5.2 of this agreement will not result in membership of the Site.

  5. Rights and Obligations

5.1. User's Rights and Obligations

a. The User undertakes to comply with all conditions stated in the User Agreement, the rules specified in the relevant sections of the Site, and all applicable laws while performing membership procedures, benefiting from the Services of the Site, and carrying out any transaction related to the Services on the Site.

b. The User acknowledges, declares, and undertakes that Kopazar will be authorized to disclose confidential/private/commercial information belonging to the User to official authorities and rights holders if it is alleged that mandatory legal provisions or the rights of other Users or third parties are violated, and no compensation can be claimed from Kopazar for this reason.

c. The User is fully responsible for the security, storage, and keeping away from third-party knowledge and use of the system access tools (username, password, etc.) they use to benefit from the Services offered by Kopazar. Kopazar has no direct or indirect responsibility for any damages that may be incurred by Users and/or third parties due to negligence and faults in the security, storage, keeping away from third-party knowledge, and use of the system access tools of the Users.

d. Users acknowledge, declare, and undertake that the information and content they provide within the Site are accurate and lawful. Kopazar is not responsible for investigating the accuracy of the information and content transmitted to Kopazar by Users or uploaded, changed, or provided by Users within the Site, and for ensuring that these are secure, accurate, and lawful, nor is it responsible for any damages that may arise from the incorrect or inaccurate information and content.

e. Users cannot transfer their rights and obligations under the User Agreement, partially or entirely, to any third party without the written consent of Kopazar.

f. Those benefiting from the Services offered by Kopazar and using the Site can only engage in transactions on the Site for lawful purposes. Users are legally and criminally responsible for every transaction and action they perform within the Site. Each User agrees, declares, and undertakes not to reproduce, copy, distribute, process, and not to enter into competition with Kopazar, either directly or indirectly, with the images, texts, visual and auditory images, video clips, files, databases, catalogs, and lists within the Site in a manner that violates the real or personal rights or property of Kopazar and/or any third party. Kopazar is not directly or indirectly responsible for any damages incurred or that may be incurred by third parties due to the activities carried out by Users in violation of the provisions of the User Agreement and/or the law within the Site.

5.2. Kopazar's Rights and Obligations

a. Kopazar reserves the right to change the Services and content offered on the Site at any time. Kopazar can use this right without any notification and without giving a warning period.

b. Kopazar can provide links to other websites and/or portals, files, or content owned and operated by third parties through the Site. These links may have been provided by Kopazar for ease of reference only, and they do not constitute any form of support or guarantee by Kopazar for the website or the person operating the website or the information contained therein. Kopazar has no responsibility for the services or products offered through portals or websites accessed via these links or for their content.

c. Kopazar can use the information related to Users on the Site or membership-related information for User security, its own obligation fulfillment, and some statistical evaluations as it wishes. It can classify and maintain these on a database.

d. Kopazar does not act as a mediator or arbitrator in disputes that arise between Users and producers within the scope of the Services provided on the Site.

e. Users and Kopazar are legally independent parties. No partnership, agency, or employee-employer relationship is created between them due to the approval and implementation of the User Agreement.

f. Kopazar is not responsible for typographical errors in the prices of products on the Site.

g. Instant price changes can occur for all products sold on Kopazar. In such a case, the valid price for the User will be the price at the time of order, not at the time of payment.

h.Digital products are delivered instantly after the order is placed. In exceptional cases, for out-of-stock products, the delivery time may extend to 15-30 minutes. Orders for products that cannot be procured within this period will be canceled.

  1. Payments and Refunds Users are required to keep documents such as Bank Receipts and ATM slips after payments. These may be requested if necessary. Kopazar is not responsible for payments made in cases where such documents cannot be presented. Payments will be processed into your accounts based on the explanations you write during payments. However, Kopazar is not responsible for damages resulting from incomplete or incorrect explanations. For the first payment made by the User to the site, Kopazar has the right to request documents such as a photo ID, driver’s license, or a bill in the payer's name for security purposes to approve the payment. Users can withdraw their balance to their bank accounts under the following conditions:
  • Mobile Payment, Prepaid Card: Balances loaded with these methods cannot be refunded.
  • Bank transfers, wire transfers, in-branch payments, mobile payments, and ATM non-card transactions: Refunds for balances loaded through these methods can only be made to a bank account registered in the payer’s name.
  • Balances earned through game currency or in-game item sales can be withdrawn to any bank account.
  • The fee to be deducted for balance refunds: The fee determined by Kopazar on the money withdrawal page will be deducted from the amount withdrawn.
  1. Delivery Times In case of stock issues or if stocks are exhausted due to rapid sales during the day, your money will be held as credit by Kopazar, but it can be refunded upon request.

  2. Incorrect and Illegal Use of Game Codes or Delivered Game Currencies a. Kopazar is not obliged to send a new code in case the delivered codes are used incorrectly. b. Kopazar is not responsible for any errors that may occur in your Game Currency orders. c. Kopazar is not responsible for any discrepancies in the values of e-pin codes sold by Kopazar due to changes made by game companies. d. The delivered codes cannot be returned to Kopazar.

  3. Privacy Policy Kopazar may use information about Users in accordance with the regulations in the Annex-1 Privacy Policy section of this agreement. Except as permitted contrary in the User Agreement, Kopazar does not allow confidential information of Users to be used by third parties and institutions.

  4. Other Provisions

10.1. Intellectual Property Rights a. All elements of the Site, including but not limited to design, text, image, HTML code, and other codes, are subject to Kopazar's copyright works owned by Kopazar Ltd. and/or used under a license right taken from a third party. Users cannot resell, share, distribute, display, reproduce, create, or prepare derivative works from Kopazar Services, Kopazar information, and Kopazar's copyrighted works or allow anyone else to access or use Kopazar's Services. Otherwise, they will be responsible for compensating Kopazar for the amount of compensation claimed from Kopazar by third parties for damages they suffered, including but not limited to the licensors, and for all other liabilities, including but not limited to court costs and attorney's fees. All kinds of tangible and intangible property rights, commercial information, 

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