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Finally, the EU/NA Servers of Blade & Soul, which were released in other countries much earlier, have opened on 19.01.2016 07:00, and it was stated that all players can enter and play comfortably. But will we really be able to play comfortably? With the game's high quality, there has been a significant increase in users on the servers, making it unfortunately much more difficult to enter. In addition, the reactions to the game have been quite positive, providing a very good user experience within Blade & Soul, which hosts dozens of martial arts.

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blade and soul & kopazar teşekürler

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Sözleşmelerimizi Güncelledik!

Size daha iyi hizmet verebilmek adına tüm sözleşmelerimizi güncelledik. Üyeliğinize devam etmek için lütfen aşağıdaki sözleşmeleri onaylayın.

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Bu alan zorunludur.