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What does LoL OTP mean? For LoL, OTP means being very good at one champion. For example, if you play Riven and are very good with her, you can progress quickly by participating in ranked matches only with Riven.

OTP Meaning LoL

To become an OTP, you need to continuously play that champion. Once you learn the mechanics of the champion well and become an expert on it, you can also become an OTP.

One of the benefits of being an OTP is climbing the ranks quickly in LoL. With OTP, you can carry the game with the champion you are an expert in, bring victory to your team, and move up to higher ranks.

The downside of being an OTP is that you are limited to just one or two champions. If these champions get banned, your chances of winning the game decrease. Additionally, you narrow your range of champion choices, remaining dependent on one or two champions.

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