Ogame is a space strategy game actively played by hundreds of thousands of players from every country worldwide. In this game, you form friendships and alliances within your universe, striving to become the strongest by competing against other players and alliances. Powerful positions in the game can be rapidly achieved with the help of generals such as "Commander, Admiral, Technocrat, and Engineer." These generals allow you to expedite construction, increase your fleet limit, speed up resource production, and enhance your espionage level. However, to acquire these beneficial generals, you need to obtain dark matter. By using Ogame dark matter, you can amplify your power and enjoy this exciting game even more.
The use of dark matter in Ogame is not limited to generals. With Ogame dark matter, you can summon the Merchant to trade your desired resources. This allows you to quickly and efficiently complete trades without wasting time searching for players to trade with or waiting for transports to complete. If you are not satisfied with the Merchant's rates, dark matter allows you to request new trade rates and negotiate in ways that are not possible with other players, facilitating rapid and profitable trades.
Sometimes you may urgently need resources and have nothing to trade. In such cases, dark matter can fill your storages with the desired amounts of resources directly. Even without the necessary resources, dark matter enables you to continue construction directly from the production menu of the building or ship you wish to build. For example, if you are under attack and decide to build a defense structure to surprise and counter the attacker, but the production time barely exceeds the attack time, you can halve the production time with Ogame dark matter to make a surprise defense. Conversely, if you want to quickly build a fleet and attack someone, but the other player can relocate their ships before your fleet is ready, you can use dark matter to expedite the fleet production and launch lightning-fast attacks.
At times, you may find your colonies' locations less appealing or wish to be closer to your friends' systems. In such cases, you can use dark matter to relocate your main planet to your desired location. Additionally, the only thing that prevents an account from being deleted due to prolonged inactivity or other reasons is the dark matter you have purchased and stored. By acquiring dark matter, you can establish a formidable presence in the game and have an enjoyable experience.
Ogame Kranlık madde nasıl yüklenir ?
1 ) Oyuna giriş yapın.
2 ) Ürün alımına tıklayın ve almak istediginiz ürünü seçin.
3 ) "KASAYA GİT" seçenegine tıklayın.
4 ) Burada ödeme seçeneklerinden " E-PİN " Seçin
5 ) E-PİN Kutucuğuna bizden aldıgınız kodları girin ve bu butona basın 
* Bigpoint kuponlarında bakiye sistemi vardır. Örnegin sitemizden 10 tl lik bigpoint epin aldınız oyun içinde bu kod ile 8 tl lik bir ürün aldınız epin kodunuzda 2 tl lik bakiye kalır ve bunu bir sonraki alımınızda kullanabilirsiniz
* Kutulara en fazla 6 kod eklene bılır ornegın 100 tl değerinde bir ürün almak istiyorsunuz bizden 80 TL + 23 TL 2 Kodu birleştirip kullanabilir ve 100 tl olan urunu alırsınız kalan 3TL Kodunuzda kalacaktır ve bir sonraki alışverişinizde kullanabileceksiniz.
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